Hi, I'm Jessica

I'm a Ph.D. student based at UCL.

Welcome to my website.

I'm a 3rd year student based at Mullard Space Science Laboratory, UCL. I'm working on cosmology using machine learning. Curerently, I'm looking at weak gravitational lensing problems, but I'm also interested in dark matter, dark energy, and black holes.

My research interests

I've recently released a paper on planar mass-mapping using regularised conditional generative adversarial networks, go check it out! I'm now working on spherical mass-mapping techniques. During my masters I focused on GR relating to black holes, as well as black hole Hawking radiation. I love maths, hence why I found GR so rewarding, and why I now enjoy coding so much.

Where will you catch me next?

Euclid Consortium meeting and ESLAB Symposium, Leiden. 26 - 28 March, 2025.